OASE Asia Pacific

OASE stands for creative design using water, from fascinating water effects in private gardens to large imposing installations in the public area. We've always had a passion for water and design that meet the highest possible standards of technical precision.

Shop & Redeem

1. Purchase any Oase BioPress Set, Oase Filtral UVC, BiOrb Aquarium
2. Post a photo or video of the product on any social media platform. (FB, IG, TikTok)
3. Tag @eastoceanaquatic & @oaseapac, hashtag #Oasekit
4. Redeem your FREE Oase DuoBoost (purchase of BioPress Set or Filtral UVC only) or BiOrb ornaments (purchase of BiOrb Aquariums only) at East Ocean Aquatic store by showing your post.

*The Shop & Redeem campaign applies in Singapore only
*Terms & Conditions apply
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OASE Indoor & Outdoor Solutions


BiOrb by OASE

BiOrbs are unique designed biomes for your home. They are intricate display pieces which showcase your arrangement of artificial or natural flora or even your favourite aquatic friends.