• Oase PondoVac Classic

    PondoVac Classic

    Oase Pondovac Classic is a durable and reliable vacuum, with a robust design that can handle even the toughest cleaning jobs. It also features a range of accessories, including different suction nozzles and extension tubes, making it suitable for use in a variety of pond sizes and shapes.

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  • Oase PondoVac 3

    PondoVac 3

    Oase Pondovac 3 is a powerful and versatile pond vacuum that is ideal for larger ponds and more demanding cleaning tasks. It is built to last and offers a number of features that make pond maintenance more efficient and effective.

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  • Oase PondoVac 4

    PondoVac 4

    Oase Pondovac 4 - patented dual-chamber design, which allows for continuous suction without interruption. This design allows for the collection of large amounts of debris without needing to stop to empty the tank.

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  • Oase PondoVac 5

    PondoVac 5

    Oase Pondovac 5 is a top-of-the-line pond vacuum that is designed for professionals or large pond owners who demand the highest level of performance and efficiency. Its advanced features and durability make it an excellent choice for those who demand the best.

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